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Questions Remain in Florida Car Accident That Killed FGCU Student

A 20-year-old student from Florida Gulf Coast University lost her life in a car accident recently. Police reports of the accident allege that the young woman was using her cell phone when she lost control of the SUV, according to The Naples Daily News.

However, the woman’s boyfriend disputes the official report. Rather, he claims that the driver was not on her cell phone when the crash occurred, and was looking at him, who was in the passenger seat. According to her boyfriend, the woman looked at him for only “a split second,” but long enough not to realize the car in front of them had stopped.

The driver’s boyfriend, who suffered a head injury in the accident, blames the driver in front of them for stopping too quickly and causing the fatal Florida car accident. Upon seeing the stopped car, the young woman jerked the SUV into the right lane, and then attempted to correct the rapid movement. The SUV slid into the shoulder of the road and overturned.

The man also blames paramedics for not realizing that the young woman, who was still conscious after the car crash, was seriously hurt. She was still speaking when she was placed in the ambulance, but her heart stopped en route to the hospital, and emergency personnel were unable to revive her.


Whether caused by a cell phone, a map, a conversation with a passenger, or one’s own thoughts, distracted driving far too often results in death or serious injury. If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident that involved a distracted driver, please contact experienced Miami accident attorney Ruth E. Johnson. Ms. Johnson will help you understand your legal rights and options and seek the compensation you deserve for your injuries. For a free consultation, call The Law Offices of Ruth E. Johnson today at 305-720-2086

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